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Choosing to start a psychotherapy is a thoughtful and important decision, which requires both personal and economic commitment. Sometimes it may appear clear that this is what you want, sometimes this desire may be jeopardized by fears and/or prejudice.


It can happen to everyone during their life to find themselves experiencing a complex period, a situation of difficulty or discomfort, which causes unpleasant sensations and emotions (such as anxiety, fear, anger or sadness), making you unable to face it alone or with the support of friends and family.


This can occur in conjunction with an evolutionary passage of life (such as leaving the home of parents, marriage, the birth of a child, retiring, etc.), or following a painful event (such as a separation, mourning, illness, dismissal, etc.), but sometimes it can also occur for no apparent reason, without being able to clearly understand what is the cause of the discomfort, of the suffering.


We could also find ourselves in a relatively peaceful period of our life but still feel the desire to achieve a greater and deeper knowledge of ourselves and our life situation or wish to expand awareness of sensations, feelings and needs, so as to live a life more authentically connected to ourselves.


You may start psychotherapy when, for example, you feel the need or desire to: 

  • face a difficult period or event; 

  • improve the quality of your life and your social/romantic/work relationships; 

  • learn to manage stress more effectively; 

  • modify dysfunctional behaviors and/or understand their meaning; 

  • get to know yourself in greater depth and increase self-awareness

  • solve traumatic experiences; 

  • have a safe, protected, and private space where to take care of yourself.


The aims of psychotherapy are several and depend on the client.

The main goals are:

  • to reduce psycho-emotional suffering and improve psychological balance;

  • to promote psychological well-being and acceptance of human vulnerability;

  • to work for developing self-awareness and understanding of yourself;

  • to help you develop your relational skills and understanding of the other.

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